Pregnancy and birth - MBS item (82115)

The following MBS item is included in this clinical category.

Professional attendance by a participating midwife, lasting at least 90 minutes, for assessment and preparation of a maternity care plan for a patient whose pregnancy has progressed beyond 28 weeks, where the participating midwife has had at least 2 antenatal attendances with the patient in the preceding 6 months, if: (a) the patient is not an admitted patient of a hospital; and (b) the participating midwife undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the patient; and (c) the participating midwife develops a written maternity care plan that contains: (i) outcomes of the assessment; and (ii) details of agreed expectations for care during pregnancy, labour and birth; and (iii) details of any health problems or care needs; and (iv) details of any medication taken by the patient during the pregnancy, and any additional medication that may be required by the patient; and (v) details of any referrals or requests for pathology services or diagnostic imaging services for the patient during the pregnancy, and any additional referrals or requests that may be required for the patient; and (d) the maternity care plan is explained and agreed with the patient; and (e) the fee does not include any amount for the management of labour and birth; (Includes any antenatal attendance provided on the same occasion) Payable only once for any pregnancy; This item cannot be claimed if items 16590 or 16591 have previously been claimed during a single pregnancy, except in exceptional circumstances

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