Assisted reproductive services - MBS items

The following MBS item numbers are included in this clinical category. The following is an indicative list of MBS items that are covered in the clinical category. Other MBS items not listed here may also be covered. If you cannot find the item you are looking for, please speak with your insurer.

Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle proceeding to oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones, ultrasound examinations, all treatment counselling and embryology laboratory services but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13201, 13202, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle—initial cycle in a single calendar year
Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle proceeding to oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones, ultrasound examinations, all treatment counselling and embryology laboratory services but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13200, 13202, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle—each cycle after the first in a single calendar year
Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle that is cancelled before oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones and ultrasound examinations, but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle
Ovulation monitoring services for artificial insemination or gonadotrophin, stimulated ovulation induction, including quantitative estimation of hormones and ultrasound examinations, being services rendered during one treatment cycle but excluding a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13202, 13212, 13215 or 13218 applies
Planning and management of a referred patient by a specialist for the purpose of treatment by assisted reproductive technologies or for artificial insemination—applicable once during a treatment cycle
Oocyte retrieval for the purpose of assisted reproductive technologies—only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13200 or 13201 applies (H) (Anaes.)
Transfer of embryos or both ova and sperm to the uterus or fallopian tubes, excluding artificial insemination-only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13200, 13201 or 13218 applies, being services rendered in one treatment cycle (Anaes.)
Preparation of frozen or donated embryos or donated oocytes for transfer to the uterus or fallopian tubes, by any means and including quantitative estimation of hormones and all treatment counselling but excluding artificial insemination services rendered in one treatment cycle and excluding a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13202, 13203 or 13212 applies (Anaes.)
Preparation of semen for the purpose of artificial insemination-only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13203 applies
Open surgical testicular sperm retrieval, unilateral, using operating microscope, including the exploration of scrotal contents, with biopsy, for the purposes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, for male factor infertility, not being a service associated with a service to which item 13218 or 37604 applies (H) (Anaes.)
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for the purpose of assisted reproductive technologies, for male factor infertility, excluding a service to which item 13203 or 13218 applies
Processing and cryopreservation of semen for fertility preservation treatment before or after completion of gonadotoxic treatment for malignant or non-malignant conditions, in a post-pubertal male in Tanner stages II-V, up to 60 years old, if the patient is referred by a specialist or consultant physician, initial cryopreservation of semen (not including storage) - one of a maximum of two semen collection cycles per patient in a lifetime.
SEMEN, collection of, from a patient with spinal injuries or medically induced impotence, for the purposes of analysis, storage or assisted reproduction, bya medical practitioner using a vibrator or electro-ejaculation device including catheterisation and drainage of bladder where required
HORMONE OR LIVING TISSUE IMPLANTATION, by direct implantation involving incision and suture (Anaes.)
Transcutaneous sperm retrieval, unilateral, from either the testis or the epididymis, for the purposes ofintracytoplasmic sperm injection, for male factor infertility, excluding a service to which item 13218 applies. (Anaes.)
Open surgical sperm retrieval, unilateral, including the exploration of scrotal contents, with or without biopsy, for the purposes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, for male factor infertility, performed in a hospital, other than a service to which item 13218 or 37604 applies (H) (Anaes.)

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