TUH Health Fund (QTU)

TUH is a not-for-profit fund, established in Queensland in 1972 by the Queensland Teachers Union. Our profits go back to members in benefits and services, not to shareholders. We care about our members and work to improve the quality of their lives.

This information is provided by the insurer

TUH Health Fund provide further information regarding:

Agreement Hospitals

This fund has agreements with some private hospitals or day surgeries to provide services at low or no out-of-pocket costs. You can see Agreement Hospitals for this insurer and further details are available from the insurer.

Business Structure

This insurer is a mutual organisation that operates on a not-for-profit basis.

TUH Health Fund operates in all states and territories.

TUH Health Fund policies are sold under a number of different brands, including:

  • Union Health

Membership restrictions

Membership is open to past and present members of any union and family members of eligible people, whether the eligible person is a TUH member or not. Please contact us if you are in any doubt as to your eligibility.


This table compares this health insurer's performance on a range of factors. Some of this information has previously been published in the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman's State of the Health Funds report, available from the Ombudsman's website (www.ombudsman.gov.au). Please note information is not provided for some insurers in some states, as there are insufficient numbers reported for states in which the insurer does not have a large membership.

Ombudsman complaints compared to market share
All complaints 0.1% 0.6% market share
Investigated complaints 0%
Health Insurer Retention and Finances Industry result
Member retention (hospital cover) 90.6% 86.5%
Benefits as % of contributions 82.6% 81.1%
Management expenses % of contribution income 9.3% 10.8%
Management expenses per average policy $474 $413
Coverage ACT NSW VIC QLD SA WA TAS NT Australia
Hospital Related Charges Covered 89.9% 89.6% 89.3% 90.2% 89.4% 94.5% 93.4% 94.2% 90.2%
Industry Result 81.8% 88.7% 90.5% 88.9% 92.6% 92.4% 92.4% 88.6% 89.9%
Medical Services with No Gaps 83.3% 91.4% 89.4% 91.9% 92.7% 90.3% 93.1% 91.6% 91.8%
Industry Result 75.6% 89.3% 87.3% 87.8% 89.0% 88.9% 91.2% 86.7% 88.3%
Medical Services with No or Known Gaps 96.9% 97.6% 98.4% 98.3% 100% 97.8% 99.2% 97.7% 98.3%
Industry Result 91.2% 96.4% 97.8% 96.8% 99.3% 98.0% 98.8% 95.9% 97.2%
General Treatment (extras) Covered 45.3% 46.1% 46.3% 52.3% 47.9% 45.8% 46.2% 50.3% 51.7%
Industry Result 46.4% 48.4% 50.5% 51.4% 55.2% 55.9% 51.8% 57.7% 51.1%
Private Hospital Agreements 5 98 72 51 19 22 5 2 -
Industry Maximum 8 98 72 58 24 24 8 2 -
Day Hospital Agreements 8 88 68 47 24 19 6 1 -
Industry Maximum 9 104 79 54 30 29 9 2 -
PO Box 265 Fortitude Valley
QLD 4006